JCRL is successful thanks to its inspired and determined supporters.

We accept donations through PayPal. JCRL is a 501 (c)(3) organization and all contributions are tax deductible. Tax ID: 82-3857222


Please provide us with your name and email so that we may be in touch with you to discuss giving opportunities in the future.


* Please do not send the Jewish Coalition for Religious Liberty (JCRL) confidential or otherwise sensitive information. Any communication sent via email or mail will not create an attorney-client relationship with JCRL.  Such material will not necessarily be covered by any sort of legal privilege.
Nor do JCRL’s published materials, including op-eds, legal briefs, and any other statement on this web page, in any way constitute legal advice. All the information provided has the limited goal of educating and engaging the public on the issue of religious liberty. Always consult a licensed attorney when seeking legal advice. Submitting a request for legal advice or representation does not commit JCRL to any type of attorney-client relationship.


You can also reach us directly in the following ways:

Jewish Coalition for Religious Liberty
2021 L Street NW, Ste 101
Washington, DC, 20036
